Maps and Schedules
PARTA offers fixed route service Monday - Saturday with limited service on Saturday.
*There is no transportation available on the following observed holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.
Fixed, County Routes
Interurban West, Mon-Sat
Areas: Kent Central Gateway/Downtown Kent, Kent Free Library, Silver Meadows Blvd., KSU Airport, Target Plaza.

Interurban East, Mon-Sat
Areas: Kent Central Gateway/Downtown Kent, KSU/Moulton Hall, Meadow View/Walmart, PMHA, Black Horse, Downtown Ravenna, S. Prospect St./Skeels Community, Ravenna High School, UH Portage Medical Center.

Suburban North, Mon-Sat
Areas: Kent Central Gateway/Downtown Kent, KSU/Moulton Hall, Lake Street, Kent Roosevelt High School.

Suburban South, Mon- Sat
Areas: Kent Central Gateway/Downtown Kent, Kentway Apartments, University Plaza, Tower 43, Marc's Plaza, UH Kent, Indian Valley, Post Office.

The Downtowner, Thurs- Sat
Areas: Kent Central Gateway, Water St. & Main St., Water St. & Columbus St., University Plaza/Kent Cinemas, Kent Central Gateway.

Windham/Garrettsville, Mon- Fri
Areas: UH Portage Medical Center, Social Security Administration, Freedom Town Hall, Renaissance Family Center, Maplegrove Community Garrettsville/Sky Plaza, Garrettsville/Garfield Plaza, Hiram/Hiram College.

Raven West, Mon-Fri
Areas: Portage County Administration Building, Downtown Ravenna, ROC, Cleveland Ave., King Kennedy, Social Security Administration, UH Portage Medical Center, Marc's, OhioMeansJobs.

Raven East, Mon-Fri
Areas: UH Portage Medical Center, Ravenna High School, S. Prospect St./Skeels Community, Freedom St./Woodgate, Aldi, Marc's, Giant Eagle, Bryn Mawr Glen.

Akron Express, Mon-Fri
Areas: KSU Student Center, Kent Central Gateway, Walmart/Brimfield, Summa Akron City Hospital, The University of Akron, METRO RKP Transit Center/Downtown Akron.

Cleveland Express, Mon-Fri
Areas: KSU Student Center, Kent Central Gateway/Downtown Kent, Streetsboro, Southgate Transit Center, W. Prospect & Superior/Tower City, Greyhound on Chester Ave., Louis Stokes VA Hospital, Cleveland State University, STJ/Megabus from E. 21st.

​Campus Bus Service
Campus Loop, Mon-Fri
Areas: Kent Central Gateway/Downtown Kent, Rockwell Hall, Cartwright Hall, Center for Performing Arts, Residence Halls, Tri-Towers, Van Campen, KSU Student Center. (Does not operate during summer session & school breaks.)
Areas: Kent Central Gateway/Downtown Kent, Rockwell Hall, McGivrey Hall, KSU Student Center, Bowman Hall, Van Campen, Residence Halls, Tri-Towers, Center for Performing Arts.
Allerton Sports Complex, Mon-Fri
Areas: Allerton Sports Complex, Greek Village, KSU Student Center, Bowman Hall. (Does not operate during summer session & school breaks)
Stadium Loop, Fall/Spring Semesters: Saturdays ONLY Service, KSU Breaks/Holidays: Mon-Fri
Areas: Dix Stadium, Summit East Parking Lot, KSU Student Center, Bowman Hall, Kent Central Gateway/Downtown Kent, Center for Performing Arts, Residence Halls, Van Campen.
Summit East, Mon-Fri
Service Area: Dix Stadium, Summit East Parking Lot, KSU Student Center, Bowman Hall, Center for Visual Arts, Center for Performing Arts. (Does not operate during summer session & school breaks.)
Stadium Night Loop, Sun-Thurs
Service Area: Dix Stadium, Van Campen, Residence Halls, Tri-Towers, KSU Student Center Rear. (Does not operate during summer session & school breaks.)