Campus Bus Services
Kent State University contracts with PARTA to provide transportation services for students on campus. Five fixed routes offer transportation throughout campus. Students and visitors to KSU may ride campus buses FREE of charge. Students must show their FLASHcard to ride PARTA's off campus Portage County routes at no cost. Express Route service to Akron and Cleveland is available to students with payment of the appropriate fare.
Getting around Kent State University is easy using PARTA’s Campus Bus Service. Our Campus Rider's Guide available for download at the right, offers useful information for navigating around campus on PARTA buses. Students may also wish to download PARTA's Key Off-Campus Locations map also available at the right of this text. It highlights major shopping centers and other attractions accessible along PARTA bus routes.
Students with cars and visitors to campus may wish to use PARTA buses for convenient access to and from parking lots both on and off campus. Information about parking is available below.
Our Campus Rider's Guide provides an overview of on-campus bus routes.
Download a map showing stores and attractions accessible along PARTA's fixed route bus lines.
Click here to review Maps & Schedules page for all KSU and county schedules.
On campus students & visitors ride FREE
Off campus students MUST show FLASHcard to ride FREE
Must pay fare on Express Routes - $1 to/from Akron & $5 to/from Cleveland
To contact PARTA’s Campus Bus Service, call 330-672-RIDE (7433)

Parking is available for students on and off the KSU campus. PARTA provides transportation to and from most parking lots on campus.
For more information about on-campus parking, visit
PARTA operates the Kent Central Gateway parking deck and transit center in downtown Kent. Located at the intersection of East Erie and DePeyster Streets - a short walk from the KSU Esplanade.
The Gateway provides parking, transit services, and shopping. It is also home to the Kent Area Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau located on the ground floor and the City of Kent Health Department located on the second floor.
The Gateway connects students to a multitude of places in Kent, Portage County and so much more...
SATS – Student Accessibility Transportation Services
Who is qualified?
In order to qualify for temporary or permanent SATS, students should contact the office of Student Accessibility Services by calling 330-672-3391 (VP 330-968-0490).
Student Accessibility Transportation Services (SATS) is provided for students with disabilities who need transportation assistance while on campus. Weekday service is provided during fall and spring semesters.
To schedule a SATS ride, call 330-672-RIDE (7433) or email