ADA Service
PARTA offers a specialized service complementing regular fixed routes. This complementary paratransit service provides transportation for people with disabilities who cannot access the fixed route system. It is available at the same time as the PARTA fixed route service, with the pick-up location and destination no further than 3/4 of a mile from the fixed route.
Americans with Disabilities (ADA)
The Americans with Disabilities Act covers three groups of people:
People who, because of their disability, are unable to board, ride or exit an accessible vehicle that is part of the regular service;
People with disabilities who are able to use accessible vehicles, but accessible vehicles are not available at the time when it is needed; and
People who can ride accessible buses, but whose disability prevents them from getting to and from the bus stop.
Eligibility may be permanent or temporary, depending on the disability. Some individuals may be eligible only for certain trips or may qualify certain times of the year.
If you would like to use PARTA‘s ADA service, you must obtain PARTA‘s application by calling 330-678-1287 or by downloading it below. You and your physician must complete the application in full before it can be reviewed. You will be sent for a functional assessment at no cost to you. The assessment will determine your ability to navigate the fixed route system and which type of certification you require. Should you feel the assessment was incorrect, you have the right to appeal. Details for this process are available below. If you will require a personal care attendant, let your customer service representative know or fill out the application provided below.
Service Availability
ADA service is available the same hours and days as fixed route service and runs within 3/4 of a mile from a fixed route within our fixed route zones. Cost for the service is $2.00 per person, however, one personal care assistant may ride at no cost (but must be noted on your ADA application).
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your ADA service, you can contact Andrea Stevens at 330-678-7745 x 128 or at AStevens@partaonline.org.
Reasonable Modifications
Individuals are entitled to request reasonable modifications.
To make a request for a modification:
A) Make request over the phone at 330-678-1287.
B) At time of service, make request to bus operator.
C) Fill out the form and mail it to: Operations at 2000 Summit Road, Kent, OH 44240,
fax to 330-678-7751 or email it to custservice@partaonline.org.
Requesting Service
If you would like to use PARTA‘s ADA service, you must obtain PARTA‘s application by calling 330-678-1287 or by downloading it above. You and your physician must complete the application in full before it can be reviewed. You will be sent for a functional assessment at no cost to you. The assessment will determine your ability to navigate the fixed route system and which type of certification you require. Should you feel the assessment was incorrect, you have the right to appeal. Details for this process are available below. If you will require a PCA, let your customer service representative know or fill out the application provided above.
Questions or Concerns
If you want to appeal a decision regarding ADA service, please download and complete the ADA Appeal Form, then mail it to PARTA at 2000 Summit Road, Kent, OH 44240, fax it to 330-676-6310, or email the form to custservice@partaonline.org.
Should you have questions, concerns, or a complaint regarding ADA service, please download and complete this form
and mail it to PARTA at 2000 Summit Road, Kent, Ohio 44240 or fax it to 330-676-6310, attention Brian Trautman.
or you may contact:
Brian Trautman, Chief Operations Officer
Ph. 330-678-7745 Ext. 137
Email btrautman@partaonline.org.
Under the Department of Transportation (DOT) Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA) regulations at 49 C.F.R. Section 37.167(f), a transportation entity must make communications and information available, using accessible formats and technology (e.g., Braille, large print, TDDs, or telecommunications devices for deaf persons) to obtain information about transportation services. If you require information in an accessible format, please contact PARTA at (330) 678-7745.
PARTA TTY Number: 330-676-5100
Ohio Relay is a free service that provides full telephone accessibility to people who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, deafblind, and speech-disabled. This service allows text-telephone (TTY) users to communicate with standard telephone users through specially trained relay operators. Dial 7-1-1 (there is no fee for using 711 service) or click here for Ohio Relay information.
• Dial 711. You can use a TTY and/or TeleBraille device to type words to a relay operator, who then speaks the typed words to the other caller, and types all spoken words back to the deafblind caller. Click here for more details.
• If you require information in an accessible format (e.g., Braille, large print), please contact PARTA at (330) 678-7745.